Your legs are too fabulous to hide under a blanket. Free your legs with our year-round collections. Discover our tights, socks and soon : our beauty products for legs.
Free your legs
Your legs are too fabulous to hide under a blanket. Free your legs with our year-round collections. Discover our tights, socks and soon : our beauty products for legs.
Free your legs
Our principles
Our knitwear is made in Europe from 100% recycled yarns, si it's not like we're going to cut corners.
Our expertise
Dressing the legs of half a million women since 2012. Free your legs, we'll take care of the rest.
Our signature style
We find the pattern that makes the difference and the detail you want to show off every time.
With Gambettes, you'll receive our collections of socks and tights straight in the mail, all year round. No need to think about buying another pair at the supermarket or finding the ultimate pattern to go with your favourite skirt : we'll do it for you.
Choose your monthly subscription, from €17,50/month, with no strings attached. You're free to unsuscribe whenever you like.
Having the choice is good too. At Gambettes, our leg care and fashion collections are also available by the piece. You can go straight to the collector's items you've been eyeing, the cosmetics to slip into your purse and the Gambettes Boxes to put under the Christmas tree (or in your own wardrobe, of course).
Who said being a control freak can't be chic?
In Europe
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